

  1. 確認接收外國籍實習學生之學院/系/所及指導教授
  2. 備妥所有申請文件,於實習期間開始至少2個月前提出申請。


  1. 證件照。
  2. 實習生護照影本。
  3. 實習計畫。
  4. 實習生在學證明。
  5. 實習生母校正式發函/信件,其信函載明實習內容及其與就讀課程或畢業條件之關係等。

Application Procedure:

  1. Contact the department / college / institute and find an advisor at NPTU.
  2. Complete the personal information and upload all necessary documents to the application system at least two months before the scheduled internship period starts.

Required Documents (to be uploaded to the application system):

  1. One passport-sized photo.
  2. Passport copy.
  3. Internship plan.
  4. Certificate of enrollment / study issued by the home university.
  5. Proof that the internship plan is a requiredment of the program in which the students are enrolled or for their graduation.


For internship students, the language proficiency (Chinese or English) is not the required document; however, it will be better to provide any certificate/statement to let your advisor and OIA know your language level in advance.