
Online Application - Internship Student

National Pingtung University Application Form for Internship Student Admissions

The color photograph must show a close-up of the head and top of the shoulders and must have a plain white background. The lighting must be uniform with no shadows or reflections on the face or in the background. 照片須為彩色且以頭部及肩膀頂端近拍,照片背景須為白色,光源需均勻且不能有陰影或閃光反射在臉部

Proof of the student's valid student status, issued by home university or college.

Proof that the intern experience is a requirement for course or for graduation threshold. It must be proved by home university with official stamp or signature.
證明實習經歷是課程或畢業門檻的一部分。 必須由原學校出具官方證明。

驗證碼圖片 驗證碼語音播放器


*必填欄位 required fields

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After sending, press the [Confirm] button again and see "Your information has been successfully submitted, thank you for your support, your filling order is: XXX" to complete the upload.


Contact : oiais@mail.nptu.edu.tw

Website : https://oia.nptu.edu.tw/