
Online Application - Degree Student

National Pingtung University Application Form for International Student Admissions

*必填欄位 required fields




This application is for admission to the fall semester of 2024 (the semester will start in September).


申請主要以中文授課的系所,申請人須提供根據歐洲共同語言參考框架(CEFR)A2等級(或以上)的中文能力證明。申請全英授課系所,申請人須提供CEFR B1等級(或以上)的英文能力證明。可接受的語言測驗包含TOEIC、TOEFL、IELTS、TOCFL、HSK。
Applying for programs taught mainly in Chinese, applicants are required to provide a Chinese proficiency certificate at A2 level (or above) of the CEFR. Applying for programs taught entirely in English, applicants need to submit an English proficiency certificate at the B1 level (or above) of the CEFR. Acceptable proficiency tests include TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, TOCFL, and HSK.


中文姓名 / English Name
未滿18歲者必填 Must fill in if you are under 18 years old.
未滿18歲者必填 Must fill in if you are under 18 years old.
未滿18歲者必填 Must fill in if you are under 18 years old.
未滿18歲者必填 Must fill in if you are under 18 years old.



請提供6個月內脫帽半身正面之彩色大頭照。照片請勿使用掃描檔或是生活照,且不得修改或使用合成照片。Please provide photo in color and less than 6 months, showing a close-up shot of the head and shoulders, and without wearing a hat. Do not use the scanned file or casual life photo, and it should not be modified or composed.

申請時必須繳交三個月內的財力證明,銀行存款證明需達美金3000元或新臺幣十萬元以上。A financial statement issued within 3 months from a financial institution with a minimum balance of US$ 3,000 or NT$ 10,000 or above.

Affidavit for NPTU International Student Application (.odt)(.doc)(.pdf)

2 recommendation letters

申請中文授課系所,須提供A2等級華測證明 Applying for departments/programs taught mainly in Chinese, a Chinese proficiency certificate at CEFR A2 level is required.
申請全英授課系所,須提供B1等級英文證明 Applying for departments/programs taught entirely in English, an English proficiency certificate at CEFR B1 level is required.

Upload other documents here if needed.

外國學生依「外國學生來臺就學辦法」第2條第2項規定,具外國國籍兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍,並符合海外連續居留年限及未具僑生身分等條件,始得申請入學。According to the Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, the applicants shall have never undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student. The applicant of foreign nationality who also holds dual R.O.C. nationality shall have never had household registration in Taiwan and also in the immediate past has resided overseas continuously for at least six years.

I have read "Notification of the Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Information of National Pingtung University Applicants" and agree to process the online application.

請先刷新驗證碼後再送出 Please renew verify code before you fill it out.
驗證碼圖片 驗證碼語音播放器



送出後,請再次按下 [確認資料] 按鈕。


After submitting, press the [Confirm] button to confirm the upload.

When you receive "Your information has been successfully submitted, thank you for your support, your filling order is: XXX", your application is submitted successfully.

If not, please try again or contact us.

Contact : oiais@mail.nptu.edu.tw