臺灣獎學金及華語文獎學金「優秀畢結業生選拔」Selection of Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Graduating (Completing) Students with Outstanding Performance
- 服務類:在學期間積極參與各項校內外服務性活動,熱心公益、並具有犧牲奉獻及無私精神者。
- 學藝類:在學期間成績表現優異,連續兩學期學業成績名列全系前三名,或參加校內外各項競賽,獲致優異成績者。
- 特殊表現獎:未能歸入以上類別,但其優良事蹟足為同儕楷模者。
Selection of Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Graduating (Completing) Students with Outstanding Performance
Check guideline in attachment 1, recommendation form in attachment 2
Application deadline: February 21, 2025
Applicant can only apply for one category
- Service Type: Those who participate in all manner of on-campus and off-campus service activities who are passionate about public welfare, made sacrificial contributions, and demonstrated selfless spirit.
- Academic Type: Those who have outstanding academic grades during their study period, placing in the top three of their class for two consecutive semesters, or who have outstanding scores in on-campus or off-campus competitions
- Other Performance Type: Those who have an excellent record not included in the types above and can be considered a role model for his or her peers.