2024 華語文能力測驗 7月場次 TOCFL in July
測驗地點:高雄文藻外語大學 等共10所考試中心
Registration time: ~June 25. If there is quota left, you can register till June 28.
Test date: July 20 Listening & Reading ( If it's full, July 21 will be extra test date)
Location: Kaohsiung WZU and other 9 universities
優惠訊息 Promo code:
Use code for 10% off. Please ask Chinese Language Center(Pingshih campus) for this code, you can write email or ask in person.
E-mail: clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw
報名網址 Register test:https://reg.sc-top.org.tw/
線上模擬測驗 Online practice test:https://tocfl.edu.tw/index.php/exam/test/page/19