
國立國父紀念館2024年外籍學生華語文演講比賽 2024 Foreign Students Chinese Public Speaking Competition

為促進外籍學生了解我國文化與增進學習華語文興趣, 以及展現對臺灣的熱愛及分享多元觀點, 特舉辦本項比賽,還有獎金等你領取!


(一 )18 歲以上非中華民國國籍在臺就讀外籍學生 (不含陸生、港澳生及僑生)
(二)參加本館 2023 年舉辦之本項比賽,榮獲第 1 名至第 4 名獎項者,不得報名參賽
(三 )參賽者本人父母任一方母語為華語 (含方言者或護照國籍官方語言為華語者,請勿報名參賽,以維公平)


(一)報名日期 113 年 9 月 1 日 至 10 月 12 日止
(二)比賽日期 113 年 11 月 19 日(二)上午 10 時起
(三 )比賽地點:臺灣戲曲中心臺灣音樂館 



National Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall
2024 Foreign Students Chinese Public Speaking Competition

Contestant Eligibility:

a. Foreign students(Students from China, Hong Kong, and Macau and overseas Chinese students are excluded)
b. Any prize winners (1st prize through to 4th prize) from the 2023 competition are not eligible to apply.
c. All contestants of whom either their or parent’s first language or official language is Chinese

Activity Period:

a. Registration Period: September 1 (Sun.) to October 12 (Sat.) 2024
b. Competition Date: 10 am, November 19 (Tue.), 2024
c. Competition Site: Taiwan Music Institute B1 Lecture Room Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center

Registration Method:

Mailing registration only, please check attachment for more information.
