


華語文能力測驗檢定/ Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL)

1. 境外學生在校期間報考我國華語文能力測驗,補助測驗報名費用。

1) During the study time in school, overseas students who register for TOCFL in Taiwan will be subsidized for the examination registration fees.

2. 若通過檢定,則依等級給予一次性獎學金:

2) If passed the examination, then a one-off scholarship will be awarded based on the level

(1) 入門基礎級(A1A2):新臺幣 8,000 元整。

1 Band A (A1, A2): NTD 8,000.

(2) 進階高階級(B1B2):新臺幣 10,000 元整。

2 Band B (B1, B2): NTD 10,000.

(3) 流利精通級(C1C2):新臺幣 20,000 元整。

3 Band C (C1, C2): NTD 20,000.


At the same level of examination, you can only apply for scholarship subsidy once.

TOEFL 官網:https://tocfl.edu.tw/index.php/home/index

❗  凡本年度(112)年通過檢定考試者,皆可持繳費收據檢定證書影本申請本獎學金。

Anyone who has passed the certification examination in 2023 can apply for this scholarship by submitting a copy of both the payment receipt and the certification certificate.

❗  欲申請獎學金及報名費用補助者,請將繳費收據檢定證書影本12/25繳至國際事務處。

If you want to apply for scholarships and registration fee subsidies, please submit a copy of the payment receipt and the certificate to the Office of International Affairs before Dec. 25th .

