交換生費用預估 Estimated Cost for Exchange Students
The estimated amount varies on student lifestyle and spending needs. This list is for reference.
必要花費Necessary Expenses
簽證費 (請洽臺灣駐各國辦事處) Visa (Please inquire at the Taiwan representative offices in your country). |
For visa information, please refer to MOFA website https://www.boca.gov.tw/np-137-2.html |
學雜費 Tuition fees
依校際合作協議及各校接收學生互惠原則收費或免除費用。 |
學生宿舍 Housing fee NT$7,500-NT$15,000 |
依校際合作協議及各校接收學生互惠原則收費或免除費用。 依房型及校區不同,房間收費不同。(可參考生活輔導組網站 hhttps://staf-life.nptu.edu.tw/index.php) |
校園網路使用費 School Internet fee NT$300 |
以上費用(學雜費、學生宿舍費用、校園網路使用費)請至網路下載繳費單後,到臺灣的各大超商繳費。 Download the payment bill (tuition fees, housing fee and school Internet fee) from online system and pay off the fees to the convenience stores in Taiwan. (7-11, Family Mart, Hi-Life etc) |
行政支援費 Administration fees NT$2,000 |
各項行政支援費用,包含郵寄費、證書、成績單製作及活動費用等。 |
此費用至國際處繳納。Pay it to the OIA office. |
短期交流學生健康檢查 Health examination fees NT$2,000 |
在臺就學或停留超過 3 個月但不超過 6 個月之學生皆須至臺灣的醫院做短期交流生健康檢查。 如已在自己國家施打麻疹腮腺炎德國麻疹混合疫苗及胸部X光肺結核檢查,請攜帶正本及影本至醫院出示證明。 |
此費用至醫院繳納。Pay it to the hospital. |
日常生活費用:約NT$10,000/每月 Daily expenses: approximately NT$10,000 per month. |
選擇花費Optional Expenses
- 個人寢具(包含床墊、枕頭、棉被) Bedding set fees (mattress, pillow and blanket) NT$2,000
- 冷氣卡 Air conditioner card NT$50
初次使用須購買空卡($50)。For the first time, you have to buy the empty card (NT$50).
此費用至學校宿舍櫃檯儲值。Go to the front desk in the dorm to deposit the money.
- 短期交流生團體保險費 Group insurance fee
※The students without informing or submitting relevant insurance documents (including the documents not in Chinese and English versions) will be automatically enrolled in the group insurance.
學校投保 group insurance by NPTU:
- 學生應購買足以涵蓋臺灣團體保險生效前之海外保 險。
The students should have their own overseas insurance sufficient to cover school group insurance before it takes effect. - 須繳 6 個月費用$750*6=$4,500
Need to pay for 6 months $750*6=$4,500 - 已在自己國家投保而不需要購買團體保險,須事先告知,並繳交投保證明及不在臺投保切結書至國際處。 (*文件須為中文或英文版本)
If the students have already purchased insurance in their own country and do not want to apply for group insurance in school, they need to inform OIA in advance, and submit the proof of insurance and a statement of not purchasing insurance in Taiwan to OIA. (*The documents need to be in Chinese or English)
自行投保 self-purchase insurance :
- 學生可在自己國家投保海外保險,但須投保足夠在海外生活期間。
Students can purchase their own overseas insurance in their home country, but the insurance must cover for a sufficient period of life in Taiwan. - 如不購買團體保險,須事先告知.並須提交投保證明及不在臺投保切結書。(文件須為中文或英文版本)
If the students do not want to apply for the group insurance, they need to inform OIA in advance, and submit the proof of insurance and a statement of not purchasing insurance in Taiwan. (*The documents should be in Chinese or English)