
健保卡補換發 / 轉出或退出本校代辦健康保險 Renewal of NHI Card / Transfer out or withdraw from the health insurance of NPTU

補換發健保卡 Renewal of NHI Card

攜帶以下文件至 郵局 補換發 Bring the documents below to the post office for reissuing

  1. 居留證(身份證)
    ARC card (or IC card)
  2. 新台幣200元
    Fee: NTD$200
  3. 2吋大頭照一張
    2-inch ID photo

轉出或退出本校代辦之健康保險 Transfer out or withdraw from the health insurance of NPTU

1. 休退學、畢業生
Students who suspend, withdraw or graduate
Notify the officer of the International Affairs Office and go to the International Affairs Office to handle the refund and surrender of health insurance.

2. 轉至其他校就讀者
Students transfer to another school
Notify the undertaker of the International Affairs Office and go to the International Affairs Office to handle the refund and transfer of health insurance. Hold a health insurance transfer policy issued by the school to the school you want to attend for health insurance transfer.


