
需準備文件 Required documents




Personal information in the passport           


Admission Letter           


Proof of accommodation           


Certificate of student status

(within 1 month)           


Resident Visa and the page that bears the entry stamp           


2-inch ID photo           




Front and back side of the old ARC           







Continuing students



  • 居留證申請需準備文件 ARC Application Required Documents
  1. 護照個人資料頁
    Personal information in the passport
  2. 錄取通知書或在學證明
    Admission Letter
  3. 住宿證明 (如住學校宿舍,可用錄取通知書或入學證明代替)
    Proof of accommodation (If staying in the University dorm, the Admission Letter or Certificate of Enrollment can substitute the lease.)
  4. 居留簽證頁及入境章頁
    Resident Visa and the page that bears the entry stamp
      Visa Issue Date
      Resident Visa Code (Remarks)
  5. 2吋彩色證件照
    2-inch (3.5 cm X 4.5 cm) ID photo (jpg. file)
  6. 申請費用:外國學生為新臺幣1000元,僑生為新臺幣500元,港澳生為新臺幣2600元
    Fee for extension: For international students: NTD 1000; For overseas students: NTD 500; For HK & Macao students: NTD 2600.
  7. 香港或澳門學生滿20歲以上(以申請居留日為基準)應附上最近五年內香港或澳門警察紀錄證明書(三個月內有效)
  8. 香港或澳門學生需附上健康檢查合格證明(依中央衛生主管機關訂定之居留或定 居健康檢查項目表辦理,三個月內有效)
  9. 香港或澳門學生需附上臺灣地區入出境許可證正本
  10. 親自簽名之香港或澳門居民身分確認書


  • 居留證延期需準備文件 ARC Extension Required Documents
  1. 護照個人資料頁
    Personal information in the passport
  2. 舊的居留證正、反面
    Front and back side of the old ARC
  3. 申請當月的在學證明
    Certificate of student status (within 1 month)
  4. 2吋彩色證件照
    2-inch (3.5 cm X 4.5 cm) ID photo (jpg. file)
  5. 申請費用:外國學生為新臺幣1000元,僑生為新臺幣500元,港澳生為新臺幣300元
    Fee for extension: For international students: NTD 1000; For overseas students: NTD 500; For HK & Macao students: NTD 300.

If you want to apply for the certificate of enrollment, please apply it before July 20th.

