
工作證效期 Work permit period

  1. 上學期提出者,工作許可之期限原則至次學期之3月31日止
    For applications made in the first semester (fall semester), the work permit is valid until March 31st of the next semester.
  2. 下學期申請者,工作許可之期限原則至同年之9月30日止
    For applications made in the second semester (spring semester), the work permit is valid until September 30th of the same year.
  3. 申請之許可期間較短者,將依其申請期限核予許可,考量學生之工讀需求不一,仍依其申請期限為準,惟最長仍以6個月為限
    Because requirements for each student’s part-time job are different, validity periods of the work permits are based on the applications, but the longest period is 6 months.
  4. 應屆畢業生(含延畢生)工作許可期限至同年6月30日止。學生若有暑修或延畢之需要,由學校註冊組出具相關證明,或考取研究所則加附由錄取學校出具該生已完成報到手續之證明文件即可申請延長許可期限至同年9月30日。
    Work permits for university/college graduates (including students whose graduation is delayed) are valid till June 30 of the same year. Students who delay their graduation must present the relevant proof document issued by the school. Students already admitted to a university or graduate school should attach a document stating that he/she has completed the registration procedure issued by the school so that they may apply to extend the valid period of their work permit to September 30 of the same year.


