
需準備並上傳之文件 The required documents

  1. 申請帳號後進行工作證申請,請將匯款後收據上相關資料填上網頁。(如以ATM繳費請選"繳費",而不是轉帳功能)
    Login your work permit account & apply online. Please type the receipt number, date for payment and Post Office’s branch number on the application page. (For the ATM payment, please select "Bill Payment" function; not the "Fund Transfer" function.)
  2. 學生證正反面影本加蓋當學期註冊章或另附在學證明(PDF檔上傳於申請資料夾)
    Uploading the student ID (both sides) with a current semester’s registered stamp or an enrollment certificate (PDF).
  3. 有效護照資料頁及居留證影本(PDF檔上傳於申請網址資料夾)
    Uploading your passport information page & both sides of ARC.
  4. 僅外籍生需上傳工作理由說明並至國際處蓋章後上傳於申請資料夾
    Only International students need to provide the reason for work and get the stamp by OIA office


